Ask Amazon

Some questions your coworkers are asking in Amazon’s “Small Group Meetings.”

Ask Amazon:

Why is Amazon so threatened by our union?

Ask Amazon:

Amazon made $30 billion in profits last year. Why won’t you pay us $30/hr base pay, with more for higher seniority and job classes?

Ask Amazon:

DHL workers unionized last year, went on strike, and won the elimination of healthcare premiums. Why doesn’t Amazon eliminate premiums?

Ask Amazon:

Why does Amazon fire hundreds of workers right after peak?

Ask Amazon:

PAs work harder than managers but only get a tiny pay bump. Do you think that’s fair?

Ask Amazon:

Why doesn’t Amazon provide on-site childcare like other major employers?

Ask Amazon:

KCVG barely offers translation at work. Now management has put up massive anti-union posters in all different languages. What’s Amazon afraid of?

Ask Amazon:

Why did Amazon take away VCP (monthly bonuses), free yearly stocks, and peak pay, yet they spend millions on union busting?